
Leighton - 2004-12-09 13:24:45
from my take: Mlive details on Pioneer High shooting "I couldn't believe it happened, and you don't think that Ann Arbor would be a place where this would happen," he said. Yeah, nothing like that ever happens at Pioneer. Ah, the Burb Blinders are 11' wide now.
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Laura - 2004-12-09 13:28:40
That second story is something else. Kidnapped at knifepoint. Lovely children. Thanks for the links Leighton.
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Iss - 2004-12-09 14:54:16
In my slanted opinion, this is just another example of the downfall of the whole parenting responsibility. No, you can't watch these kids 24/7, and yes, this could have happened somewhere else, but the fact that there was not a parent home, nor any neighbor to see a youngster come home in the middle of the day speaks to me that parents are out chasing the almighty dollar and really have no clue about what their kids are doing. I know this neighborhood , and they are large homes certainly needing 2 incomes and lots of overtime. I personally will continue to change my career and wants so that I can be home for my kids. So many angles to this horrible story - the gun, floating around, horrible kid revved up somehow to even do scares the crap out of me.
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Laura - 2004-12-09 15:03:20
Yes, dear sis, there are a lot of puzzle pieces here, to be sure. One is that no one stopped them from drifting away from school. The gun floating around is another puzzler. It's hard to imagine any parent careless enough to not lock up guns & ammo (unless you grow up in the way back & have learned how to safely and responsibly use a gun since you were little).

This young man has a hard road ahead of him. It's hard to imagine he'll get out of jail time; will he be tried as a juvie or adult? Imagine yourself with college shining just on the horizon...then you shoot your buddy dead and start the whole cycle of court appearances. This will never leave him so long as he lives.
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Iss - 2004-12-09 15:18:58
This kid has already fallen through the cracks as he got to this point w/out anybody seeing warning signs of this freakish behavior. My attitude lately...... is to lock 'em up.....recidivism is almost guaranteed with that youth comviction, and yep, I want him off my streets. As well it shouldn't leave him as long as he lives. Shame on him to disregard a life so unbelieveably. I guess I am speaking from the point that he intended to do this; upon rereading the comments, maybe it will come out later about a struggle or harsh words versus just fooling around waving a gun in jest. Can that even be? Either way, yep, life over. Imagine the parents' anguish for both boys. 16 days before Christmas....
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Iss - 2004-12-09 15:21:45
...and a good point about drifting away from school....these open campuses for lunch and all are ridiculous, and this was even earlier in the day.....
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Laura - 2004-12-09 15:22:12
Yes, the victim's mom's bedroom closet is full of new is set to come in from out of God, how sad.
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Laura - 2004-12-09 15:26:38
Yes, you have to wonder about open campuses. The kids won't perish if they (horrors) have to stay in the cafeteria for lunch. Why would you want to have an open campus with kids drifting all over and God knows what weirdos wandering in? I don't think it's worth it.
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brett - 2004-12-10 12:23:31
The incredulous neigbors' comments remind me of a certain suburb of denver a few years ago.

The "It can't happen here" attitudes of parents pretty well seems to guarantee the fact that it WILL happen there.

One of the reasons we moved to ypsi (rather than aa) was because the statistics i read showed ann arbor had a higher crime rate. This is partly because there's still a lot of poverty and desperation there, but it's also due to the multitudes of rich kids, frats, etc. that have no concept of respect for others because their parents never instilled it in them, and always treated them as if they were the center of the universe.
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Laura - 2004-12-10 12:29:37
AA has a higher crime rate? That's a bit of a surprise to me. Dumb question: is that in toto or per capita? I know AA has a lot more petty burglaries, with people stealing, you know, student items like a CD player left behind an unlocked door or what have you.
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brett - 2004-12-10 12:57:06
This was 3 years ago when i read the stats, and i believe the number was due to the sorts of petty crime you mentioned. Crime rates are always skewed because they can include crimes that are personal (like spouses abusing or murdering eachother) that don't overtly effect the community. There are also all the numbers resulting from drug arrests of non-violent offenders. I believe i was specifically looking at the 'property and violent' crime numbers.

I also should add that i spent some of my youth living in a town with a very high per capita income, and each week the police blotter was filled with stories of vandalism and theft, which could not be blamed on 'the poor' simply because there weren't any. The kids were generally rude and arrogant, and although i graduated highschool there i've very seldom re-visited the place.
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Leighton - 2004-12-10 16:05:15
Yes, I feel less safe from random crime in parts of Ann Arbor than I do anywhere in Ypsi. Though overall serious crime is probably higher in Ypsi, unless you hang out with criminals this is not a problem. AA, on the other hand, is a sea of random victims.
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Laura - 2004-12-10 16:07:36
Hmm...what areas of AA are you thinking of, Leighton? I agree with you, and I'm curious to know what you think. Just wondering.

Incidentally I've never had the slightest incident of crime of any kind in Ypsi, even as someone who's biking around at night all the time.
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Leighton - 2004-12-10 16:47:26
Around S. U and the Northern part of Main, I have personally witnessed serious crimes (one was an armed robbery at a show above a fairly well-known bar / restaurant). We did have a stained lawnchair stolen from our front yard, but we learned later that anything within 20' of the curb in Michigan is considered "out for trash" therefore fair game.
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Laura - 2004-12-10 17:24:29
Hmm, I was thinking of South U too. I get bad vibes from that grungy party store by the social work building. Also the area around Packard and State; there was that drug house just down Packard that supposedly they just emptied of residents recently.
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