
raymond - 2004-12-01 15:50:19
...and don't forget, a portion of the proceeds goes toward imposing internet filters on computers and removing inappropriate books from the shelves of the local library...
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Laura - 2004-12-01 16:06:27
"Inappropriate." Love it. Well, I hope they remember to include books that contain graphic stuff about incest and onanism and violence and stoning women and the like...
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raymond - 2004-12-03 08:43:00
The link to more churches for sale led to several curiosities.

1. The Christian Science building at 123 N. Adams is now the Ekklesia Fellowship Ministries. Sale price $325,000 on 4-26-04, untaxed, of course.

2. Ekklesia (or ikklesia) is an old word, somewhat like "ecclesiatic" used since Roman times by a variety of sects, even Kabbalah. Most of the sects have been somewhat Catholic-like, celebrating the supreme holiness of Paul.

3. The leader of the cult at 123 N. Adams, a female, came from a Baptist church in Detroit.

4. Searching "ekklesia" led to several horrid essays attacking same-sex-anything, condemning conservative columnist Andrew Sullivan, admitted homosexual, and touting conservative columnist Joe Sobran, former Ypsi resident.

5. Mister Herman Love III, recently elected to the public taxing body known as the Ypsilanti District Library, is holy-in-chief of a COGIC (nothing to do with "logic") cult presently conspiring at a location on Ecorse Road.

6. While the church-for-sale site advertises itself as "non-demoninational" and benign, it looks like a cash-in on the transfer of public treasury to religious organizations through the Bush administration's efforts to impose government sanctioned religion on students, drunks, drug addicts, poor people, and other court-appointed sinners. And, by-god, it's all tax free.
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Laura - 2004-12-03 09:10:15
Those are interesting observations. I hadn't known Love had got himself elected to the (board?) of the YDL. I've heard his name before, but know nothing about him: is he a reasonable person or somewhat more religiously strident?
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raymond - 2004-12-03 10:22:17
Love's mission for the YDL is to purge and prohibit. While hard-working people canvassed neighborhoods in an effort to get the majority that planned to vote for Kerry not to vote for Bush, the library board was taken over by people who would reduce the collection to one book. You know, the one about begetting, begatting, stoning, excluding, and multiple marriages.
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Laura - 2004-12-03 10:47:06
I have to say I couldn't help but smile to see the mental image of one lone book sitting tiny on one of the many shelves at the beautiful YDL.

If these people don't like what they deem "bad" books--then they shouldn't read them. But don't tell me not to read them.
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