
Phil - 2004-08-04 13:08:20
This statement says a lot.... The outcome, however, keeps control of the board in the hands of Stumbo's team, and since Stumbo and Jamnick have different philosophies on how to deal with issues facing the township, it is going to make it difficult to reach consensus, Ohren said. Jamnick favors regional cooperation, while Stumbo believes in working with surrounding municipalities only if it benefits Ypsilanti Township residents.
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Laura - 2004-08-04 22:08:10
Yes, we'll have to see how that plays out.
Here's a really ignorant set of questions: 1. are these salaried positions? 2. where is the data on the salaries' amounts? 3. who sets the salaries?
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Phil - 2004-08-05 20:56:18
Yes but I am not sure where to find them but it is public info. The Treasurer makes over 60 grand I do know that.
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