
Anna - 2004-04-13 12:42:12
I hate to say this, but her academic career was a joke, most people in academe view it that way. She got tenure with fewer publications than I came out of grad school and her work was never considered notable. I am all for affirmative action, but she had a very good dose of good luck, right place/right time, etc. etc. etc.
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Anna - 2004-04-13 12:43:21
er... "than I had coming out of graduate school" -- educatiuficated by Michigan, I am.
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DaveD - 2004-04-13 13:41:23
I have a lot of respect for both her and Powell as the "voices of reason" in the Administration, but I'm afraid they're trapped in a situation where they're bullied by the Neo-Cons to toe the line. I have some distant hope that either would remain with Kerry if he wins.
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Laura - 2004-04-13 18:34:23
Anna, that is interesting info; thank you. DaveD, I respected Powell quite a bit till that PowerPoint debacle concerning alleged WMD sites. It seemed to me that a man of seemingly unimpeachable integrity had had a talking to and was now bowing a bit to the neocon agenda. Or so it seemed to me, from afar. One thing did impress me about Condoleezza Rice during her testimony. She is solid steel. She was cool, firm, and didn't give an inch. I had to admire her sheer strength and total self-possession, even though I was suspicious of what she said.
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