y p s i ~ d i x i t


jan/feb 04
write the ypsi courier
write the a2 news
local blogs
polygon, the dancing bear
seat of the revolution
mark maynard
common monkeyflower
ann arbor is overrated
the bunker
mouse musings
ann arbor observer
ann arbor news
ypsi courier
guardian unlimited
independent uk
news quirkies
2004-08-02 - what ever happened to private property rights?
2004-08-02 - amazon.com tightens review requirements
2004-08-01 - mmmmm, summer
2004-08-01 - BOOKS READ: "Lies My Teacher Told Me"
2004-08-01 - hummingbird inspection
2004-07-31 - let's all get nuanced about Kerry
2004-07-30 - X-rays were a pop culture sensation in the 1890s
2004-07-30 - so much for my ornithology paper
2004-07-29 - brenda stumbo's election shenanigans
2004-07-29 - analysis of the nominees' bikes
2004-07-29 - a 13-hour "adventure race"
2004-07-29 - possible problems with touch screen voting
2004-07-28 - brits contemplate anti-drug "inoculations"--bad idea
2004-07-28 - bike ride a soul-healing sanctuary
2004-07-28 - new trail info
2004-07-27 - moore on o'reilly show
2004-07-27 - transcript of clinton's dnc speech
2004-07-27 - visit from MI dept. of labor & economic director David Hollister
2004-07-27 - World of Rocks is hiring
2004-07-26 - lovely new brit reality series
2004-07-26 - emu petition up to 284 signatures!
2004-07-26 - MI drug trade rundown
2004-07-26 - dangers of rfid technology
2004-07-26 - bike map query
2004-07-26 - police beat
2004-07-24 - the rules of tipping
2004-07-24 - who not to vote for for Ypsi Twp clerk
2004-07-23 - bought the easy racer sport!
2004-07-22 - memorial to MI soldiers killed in Iraq
2004-07-22 - join the army--get free breast enlargements!
2004-07-22 - aation idea: piranha-fishing in Bolivia
2004-07-21 - website created in husband search
2004-07-21 - the rising willingness to shoot to kill since the Civil War
2004-07-21 - bike up l'alpe d'huez in photos
2004-07-21 - removing EMU regents
2004-07-20 - annual bulwer-lytton bad writing awards
2004-07-20 - linda ronstadt kicked out of aladdin casino for dedicating song to michael moore
2004-07-20 - today's colorful police beat
2004-07-19 - mid-july: what's blooming in your garden?
2004-07-19 - ann arbor: city of street brawls
2004-07-19 - washington post scoops the onion
2004-07-19 - it's 130 degrees in Iraq
2004-07-19 - ok, here's my choice for a semi-recumbent: the easy racer sport
2004-07-19 - car zapper poses troubling questions about "innocent until proven guilty"
hosted by DiaryLand.com